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Ensemble codes:

AB=Antique Brass, BB= Big Band, BP= Brasso Profundo, CB=Concert Band, CC=Clarinet Choir, CH=Choir, FB=Full Band, FE=Flute Esemble,

FO=Symphony Orchestra, GB=Green Band, GS=Green Strings, SB=Symphonic Band, SE=Sax Ensemble, ST=String Orchestra, JE=Jazz Ensemble, GJ=Green Jazz Band

Mike McKain
Bass Clarinet (SB, CC), Alto Sax (SE, BB)
Ensembles: BB SB CC SE
I started with the clarinet in grade school and then playing in high school and college bands. Until I joined this organization about 10 years ago, I hadn't played for about 45 years. Taking lessons from Eastman teachers and studying with the amazing conductors and mentors here has allowed me to regain many of the skills and some of the quality I vaguely recall from my youth.

I play the bass and alto clarinet in the clarinet choir and symphonic band. I also play alto sax in the Big Band where sometimes I get to sing.

I try to practice as much as possible.

New Horizons has been an edifying experience for me.

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