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Ensemble codes:

AB=Antique Brass, BB= Big Band, BP= Brasso Profundo, CB=Concert Band, CC=Clarinet Choir, CH=Choir, FB=Full Band, FE=Flute Esemble,

FO=Symphony Orchestra, GB=Green Band, GS=Green Strings, SB=Symphonic Band, SE=Sax Ensemble, ST=String Orchestra, JE=Jazz Ensemble, GJ=Green Jazz Band

Judy Blaustein
Ensembles: SB
I am a retired teacher having taught in the Pittsford Central School district for 20 years. Born and raised in NYC, attended Queens College of CUNY where I received a BA, and then graduated with a masters in Education from Nazareth College.

I played the flute all through high school and college.

I have been in Rochester since 1975 and am married and have six grandchildren. I have been a Sweet Adeline for several years, before becoming a member of the New Horizons Concert Band.

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