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Ensemble codes:

AB=Antique Brass, BB= Big Band, BP= Brasso Profundo, CB=Concert Band, CC=Clarinet Choir, CH=Choir, FB=Full Band, FE=Flute Esemble,

FO=Symphony Orchestra, GB=Green Band, GS=Green Strings, SB=Symphonic Band, SE=Sax Ensemble, ST=String Orchestra, JE=Jazz Ensemble, GJ=Green Jazz Band

Ellen Correll
Ensembles: SB FE
Born in Elmira, NY, I began playing the flute in 3rd grade and continued until I graduated from high school. During those years, I also played the piccolo and the oboe. Trying to decide whether to go to college for music or special education, I ultimately chose the education route. I continued to play my flute in church and at weddings.

I began my teaching career in Corning NY, where I remained until June of 2005. During those years, I was a special education teacher, an administrator in special education and in my last year, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Assessment. In December of 2004, I married my husband, John and began to seek employment in the Chicago area, where he lived. In July of 2005, I became the Superintendent in Community Consolidated School District 46, in Grayslake, Illinois. During those years, I made time to practice and play with the two Middle School bands! It was a great way to build relationships with the students and staff as well as helping me to continue with my flute. Prior to my retirement I had added "conducting" to my bucket list. I asked the middle school conductor if he would consider letting me try it. Not only did he agree, he also thought that it would be good if I conducted all three levels of the bands. I am sure that my legs never shook so much!

My husband John was also a Superintendent and we both retired our "first time" in June of 2019. Due to COVID, school districts had a difficult time filling superintendent positions. My husband and I "co-interimed" for the next two years. We determined that if we remained in the Chicago area, we would continue to work. We have grandchildren in both the Rochester and Elmira areas and had not been able to spend a lot of time with them. So, we decided to make the move to Rochester.

I feel blessed to have made the connection with New Horizons. The experience has challenged me and also provided me with the opportunity to work with extremely talented conductors and meet a great group of people!

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