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Ensemble codes:

AB=Antique Brass, BB= Big Band, BP= Brasso Profundo, CB=Concert Band, CC=Clarinet Choir, CH=Choir, FB=Full Band, FE=Flute Esemble,

FO=Symphony Orchestra, GB=Green Band, GS=Green Strings, SB=Symphonic Band, SE=Sax Ensemble, ST=String Orchestra, JE=Jazz Ensemble, GJ=Green Jazz Band

Debbie Parker
Conductor: GB
Debbie Parker has been an instrumental music teacher and band director at French Road Elementary School in the Brighton district since 1992 until her retirement in 2021.

She received a Bachelor of Science degree from SUNY Fredonia in Music Education and Music Therapy, and a Masters of Music in Flute Performance from Boston University.

She currently performs with the Finger Lakes Symphony Orchestra and the Greater Rochester Women???s Philharmonic. Debbie has been a director of the flute camp at the Hochstein School of Music and Dance, and is active with the Rochester Flute Association.

She has presented clinics for the New York State Band Directors Association regional conference, and is currently a flute consultant for the William S. Haynes Flute Company.

Deborah resides in Fairport with her husband Todd and son Johnathan, and can be found rowing on the Erie Canal with the Rochester Boat Club.

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